AWI - Aniga Women Initiative
AWI stands for Aniga Women Initiative
Here you will find, what does AWI stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Aniga Women Initiative? Aniga Women Initiative can be abbreviated as AWI What does AWI stand for? AWI stands for Aniga Women Initiative. What does Aniga Women Initiative mean?Aniga Women Initiative is an expansion of AWI
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Alternative definitions of AWI
- Australian Wool Innovation, Limited
- Animal Welfare Institute
- Adirondack Watershed Institute
- Aerospace Welding, Inc.
- ArchWing Innovations, L. L. C.
- Arizona Wastewater Industries
- Associated Warehouses, Inc.
- Average Wage Increase
View 59 other definitions of AWI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- AProWM Animal Protection and Welfare Movement
- AMOF Anna Maria Owacha Foundation
- APA Anti Poverty Alliance
- ABSA Aquasan Burundi S.A.
- ALCOM Aquatic Resource Management Programme for Local Community
- ALSAEA Arid Land Suport Action - East Africa
- A&SCD Arise & Shine Community Develoment
- AU Arise and shine ministries -Uganda
- ASMI Arise and Shine Mission International
- ALMS Ark of Life Ministries
- AK Arrow Kenya
- AFV Arsenal Force Vive